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My name is Laura Benson, and I am so excited to help you grow your business!

I’m a small town girl, who turned a dream in her basement to an 8 figure a year company.

I grew up on a dairy farm, no background in marketing, e-commerce, or business, and if I can make it happen, so can you!

Growing up I loved horses and cows more than people, and I always thought I would be in agriculture. Starting a business wasn’t the plan, it started as a way to make some extra money to afford my expensive love of horses! After I got married and we started our family, I was driven to provide financial security for our kids. I very quickly realized the potential of how big our business could be online and went all in!

Before I knew it, we had amassed a million + followers, I got to build my dream warehouse for our staff of 60+ to support our hundreds of thousands of loyal customers! Now my dream is to help other small town businesses reach true financial freedom, the kind where you get to work because you want to, not because you have to.
Are you tired of feeling alone and have no idea where to find help? I know what it’s like to struggle in business. After a decade of ups and downs, I realized some behaviors that majorly affected my business. I also know what it’s like to hire expensive consultants that never owned a business outside of consulting and didn’t understand mine.
If you are tired of spinning your wheels and want to actually see more dollars in your bank account, I'd love to help you dive into building something that will last.

I believe business is hard work but not that complicated. I’ve created the ultimate community for you to grow your network and your net-worth. The fastest way to get where you want to be, is by getting around people that have already been there.

Results speak for themselves

Sarah H

Laura has such a God given gift of explaining things in such an easy to understand. Her fire is lit and every meeting keeps getting better, and she is so wanting other women to succeed. She is able to fast forward growth for people. It’s incredible to have a seat at the table where it is all happening.

Shea Fisher Durfey

I have worked with Laura for the last 12 months & to say she is a brilliant business women is an understatement. Her knowledge & advice has been mind blowing. She took our company from 5 figures a year to 7 figures in just 1 year.

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